What’s up guys! My name is LAR and today we’re going to take a look at a synth stab in Serum - so let’s have a little look at what I’m working on.
It’s a very nice, clean sound - very useful to use as a lead or something like that. The MIDI we’re using here is taken from a pack from Ben Bohmer. As for the sound it’s taken from the pack by Furcloud called Innerbloom - really nice sound called Radiance.

Let’s deconstruct this sound and go through all its elements.
First let’s engage the A Oscillator, which is a basic sawtooth. What’s done here is detuning with unison to spread the voices - that makes it feel a lot wider. The detune would be relatively low though - you need to find the sweet spot.

Oscillator B adds a bit more higher frequencies.
The filter used is MG Low 24 - it’s a little bit strong filter. We’re also using a bit of filter drive here for extra power.

The noise oscillator is also enabled (BrightWhite) - but it’s mostly present with more open settings of the filter.
As for our envelopes, we have quite fast attacks and a short decay on Envelope 2 - which is attached to the cutoff of the filter.

We have a few effects - multiband (OTT-style) compression with 50% mix, as well as a simple delay and reverb.

Thank you very much, I will see you in other tutorials. Peace!