In this video, Ben Böhmer shows how he plays live (like for Cercle in a Balloon in Cappadocia, Turkey). He explains his live setup (with hardware and software) based in Ableton Live’s session view. Ben goes over all the necessary elements you’re going to need to create your own live set. If you’re a music producer, check out this tutorial on how to play live in Ableton. At the end of the video, Ben performs a few tracks in a unique live set. Make sure to check it out!
“Hi! My name is Ben Böhmer and I'm going to show you how I play live. But first - what is playing live? It's a method to rearrange and recreate my own music. I'm using a digital and analog setup to affect all these little elements of my tracks. This gives me the possibility to react more in the moment - to create something new, something special for the night. Let me show you what that means. So let’s get started!” - Ben