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New Video Tutorial: Chord Progression in A-Dorian with Post Malone Melody

New Video Tutorial: Chord Progression in A-Dorian with Post Malone Melody

In this tutorial Alex is showing you how to write a Chord Progression in A-Dorian, after he does a quick analysis of Posts Malone´s "Better Now". Postey´s Melody gets new Chords!

You will see a recap of the Dorian mode, with some practical infos on how to come up with your own cool chords.

Feel free to check out our additional ressources for writing better melodies and chord progressions:

Struggling with the basics?

If you'd like to learn the basics of writing melodies and beautiful chord progressions, as well as advanced techniques and tricks, feel free to join our self-paced online courses:

Harmony & Chord Progressions - Course

  • A complete beginner friendly online course, learn how to write your own chord progressions
  • 40+ video tutorials in 5h+ online video sessions with lifetime-access

How To Write Melodies - Course

  • A complete beginner friendly online course, learn how to write your own awesome melodies
  • 35+ video tutorials in 4h+ online video sessions with lifetime-access

Additionally you can get inspired by using one of our MIDI packs with nice pre-designed chord progressions to take, change and add into your own productions.

Midi Files Pack 

Midi Files pack includes more than 130 pre-designed chord progressions for all types of moods and compositions and overall more than 240+ quality MIDI files.

Intro: Harmony & Chord Progressions Course

Keywords: Writing Chords like Lorde, Coldplay, The Verge in mixolydian mode.

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