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Melodic Techno Production Session with Francois

In this session, Francois is walking through a Melodic Techno Production, talking about:

  • Kick Setup, Drums Group
  • Designing Claps
  • State of the Art Techno Clap / Snare
  • Designing Hihats, Loop
  • Adding Tom Sound, Perc FX, Audio FX Tok, Bulk of Audio FX
  • Editing a super cool vocal FX
  • Setting up a dry subby Bass
  • Instruments Group: Stab, ChordStab Element
  • Adding Atmo with Low Cut DJ effects on the Master Channel
  • Fat Bass Drops, Ride and Arp Play, Arp FX, Pipe FX
  • Pad, Main Pipe Sound
  • Groove Analysis, Arrangements


Learn more about producing this full track:

NEW PML 6h+ Course: Producing a Melodic Techno Track from Start to Finish in Ableton



Keywords: melodic techno session ableton live, massive, francois, techno production

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