How to Make a Trap Beat? Top 5 Elements
Ableton Ableton Live 9 Basics Tips 'n Tricks
Hey! It’s k-pizza with PML again, and in this tutorial I’ll show you the most basic elements every trap beat must have. 1. 808 Bass It’s very common to call long bass notes 808s in trap. That’s basically what they are - either in synthesised or audio form. Most of the time, they play the root notes of your chord progression. Make sure to throw some distortion after it if you want to fatten it up even more. The 808 most likely will be sidechained to the kick - to give the kick more space. Check out this trap production pack...
How To Find A Label In 16 Steps
Basics Business Getting Released Mindset Music Industry Professional Record Deal Record Label Release Skills Soft Skills Tips 'n Tricks
Intro (list below) During our time being a musician, one decision comes across all of us. The decision to approach a record label with the aim to get signed and eventually released. When this day comes, you want to be prepared and make sure you got your perfect game on. (Check out our tutorials on YouTube and feel free to subscribe to our channel.) Authors Background I have been a musician for quite some years now. After a couple of years being an artist myself, I wanted to contribute something to the community and help young artists get released. I wanted to enable...
(Free Ableton Project) How To Make a Future Track - Step By Step Breakdown of „Cheerful“ by k-pizza
Ableton Beginners FREE Music Production Tips 'n Tricks
Hi! In this tutorial we’re going to take a look at one of my tracks called „Cheerful“. We’re going to go through all the elements from which the track is made. Here’s the end result of it: Get the free project file: DOWNLOAD HERE (scroll down for video) The full video tutorial including the project file will be at the end - so make sure to stick around! The elements we’re going to go through are: 1. Pluck group - main melody The track started out from a simple melody played with a sample in Simpler. I...
How To Start a Track With an Acapella in 10 Simple Steps
#PMLTipOfTheDay Music Production Tips 'n Tricks Writing Music
The way I start my tracks the most often is by finding a good chord progression. Sometimes however, I like to change things up and to start by playing around with vocals. In this 10 step guide I’m about to show you a really simple workflow to get started with your new track. Step 1: Find and download an acapella Having a killer vocal line to work with is key. It’s not always an easy task to find the vocals of your favourite song. Fortunately, there are plenty of great vocal recordings you can choose from, (and to...
Five Quotes To Solve Your Music Production Problems
#PMLTipOfTheDay Mindset Music Production Tips 'n Tricks Writing Music
1 - „Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working“ - Pablo Picasso As a music producer you constantly have to deal with lack of inspiration. „I’m not inspired, so there’s no point in opening that DAW“ - that’s what your mind tricks you to say to yourself. As a result, you start procrastinating and never finishing music (or never even starting out). The solution to this problem is to find the inspiration by actually working. It doesn’t mean that you have to find it just by working inside your DAW! It can get very boring to stare at...