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Tip of the Day: Parallel Compression with Latin Grammy Award winner - Video

Tip of the Day: Parallel Compression with Latin Grammy Winner - Video On our tour through Latin America, we stopped at the Sandia Sound Studios in Cancun and met with Latin Grammy Award winner Gael Hedding, who is not only famous for his work with Britney Spears and countless other famous artists, but also a teacher at Berklee. He will give you some tips on Parallel Compression and show you, how to make a drum bus pump., without losing dynamic. Parallel Compression Quick recap: You use parallel compression, when you don´t want to lose the dynamics or the transients of...

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67 Music Production and Songwriting Tips - 67 Tips, 19 Topics for 2020

67 Music Production and Songwriting Tips - 67 Tips, 19 Topics for 2020 1 How to arrange a Track and stop making Loops Tip 1: get started with the “all faders down approach” Before taking your loop, copying it 20 times and start to deactivate random clips and samples, start with your project as it is and put ALL faders down. With this technique you force yourself to start arranging, by substracting everything and slowly adding clip after clip or track after track in different combinations - maybe you start with the hihat loop and then let the synth simmer and...

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Tip of the Day: How to get out of the Loop - 3 practical Tips

Tip of the Day: How to get out of the Loop - 3 practical Tips For most producers, musicians or beat makers creativity or coming up with ideas is no problem – but putting them in the right order in the right proportions can be sometimes. Here are 3 easy and very practical tips: Tip 1: create change Duplicate the initial idea a number of times, so that you have lets say 4 identical copies. Edit the first duplicate until you have made one meaningful change, like modifying the lead sound. Now go to the next loop and change something...

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Tip of the Day: Learn the Pop Form - 3 Tips

Tip of the Day: Learn the Pop Form - 3 Tips No matter if you are a Techno DJ, an DnB Junkie or a Rock Musician, the Pop Form influences all your lives and even more so your compositions – because this arrangement structure is proven to work. So many hits are and were composed with it, that we can say it is probably the most successful song structure in the world – from the Beatles over Madonna to Zedd. It´s important to know why the sequence of Verse, Pre-Chorus, Chorus with different repetitions catches everyones attantion. Here are some...

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Tip of the Day: How to make your Drop hit Hard - 4 essential Tips!

Tip of the Day: How to make your Drop hit Hard - 4 essential Tips! Unarguably, the drop (also known as chorus) is the most important part of the song. It contains the main hook, probably the biggest instrumentation and and is usually mixed louder then the rest of the song. That´s why it is so essential to let all previous parts build up to the main section of the song. But sometimes we get caught up in sound design or lose focus while composing idea after idea, that the arrangement suffers and we wonder, why the drop just does...

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Tip of the Day: Learn Shortcuts - 3 easy Tricks!

Tip of the Day: Learn Shortcuts - 3 easy Tricks! There are only few things that are more time consuming, than navigating and clicking with your mouse or track pad for every action that you do. Every DAW has amazing short cuts already built in and they actually save you time and improve your workflow by a huge amount. Do you have these rainy Sunday afternoons sometimes where you are? Great, then use one of them in the next weeks to sit down and learn short cuts - it will have a bigger impact on your productivity than you can...

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Tip of the Day: Use send effects - 3 basic tips!

Tip of the Day: Use send effects - 3 basic tips! How often do you find yourself using numerous instances of VST plugin to achieve basically the same effect? It does not only pollute your CPU or clutter your tracks, but it might also have a negative effect on your sound! Using different delay or reverb plugins for creative reasons does definitely make sense - if you know exactly what you do. If you just load a new plugin to every track in your arrangement, you might end up with different room sizes, that don´t match or fit and just...

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Making Amateur Vocals Sound Professional - Part #2 (Melodyne)


In this tutorial series, we are going to professionally mix and process vocals that have been recorded in amateur/bedroom producer style - an approach most of us should be guilty of. We will go through cleaning the vocals, pitch correction, compression and more. This is part 2: Using Melodyne to correct pitches. If you don't know Guido, he's giving our Masterclass in Mixing and Mastering where you can learn how to mix your own production from A to Z.   YOUR ULTIMATE VOCALSAMPLE COLLECTION Professional Vocals Have Never Been So Easy! Get Here About Vocals Vol. 1 The pack contains female and...

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Tip of the Day: Finish your Tracks - 3 simple tricks

Tip of the Day: Finish your Tracks - 3 simple tricks You dream of a career in music? You want to make it in the business? Then stop playing around and start finishing tracks! No one on earth will hear “all those cool ideas” that are stored on some hard drive or whistled into your phone. Your song will always only be as good as you can make it in the moment - it is called evolution. You will get better with every song and will look back at all the stuff, you would do differently now, but if you...

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Tip of the Day: Start with your Hook - 4 simple tricks

Tip of the Day: Start with your Hook - 4 simple tricks It is from a rather recent musical era, that songs start with the hook, that most older tracks only reveal after a huge build up of verse and pre chorus. Probably this is rooted in the way many of us consume music these days - it is the golden age of singles, Spotify and YouTube. We need to be hooked a lot faster than some years ago, when artists used to have a 5 minute Intro to a 9 minute track. The competition for your attention is just...

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