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Default Template for Techno

Default Template for Techno


Read first: Description & Specifications

  • Template: Default Template for Techno by (zipped Ableton Live 9 project)
  • Software, DAW: Ableton Live 9.7 Standard or higher
  • VSTi Plugins: none
  • Ableton Packs: none
  • Process: After your purchase you will receive an email with your personal download link. Make sure you have the mentioned necessary software installed on your system.
  • The .zip contains: The template itself, the template cover, installation instructions
  • NOTICE: This is a structured & empty Ableton project file (there is no musical content inside)!!! It is intended to be a starting point for your future productions.

Template used as starting point in this session for example:

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After your purchase you will receive an email with your personal download link - it will be sent to the email you use for the purchase. Check your spam folder if you don’t see the email, and if you have any issues, email Make sure you have the mentioned necessary software, packs and plugins installed on your system.



Don't worry, you don’t need to have a Paypal account to purchase any of our courses / products. You can also simply use your credit card. For some transactions, we process payments through Paypal’s site, without the need of actually having an account there. If your having trouble with Paypal try using a different internet browser or device/computer. Email for any questions regarding this.



By scrolling up, you’ll find a section called "Read first: Description & Specifications“. It contains the specific info for this product. Make sure you have the mentioned necessary software, packs and plugins installed on your system.



We are available to help you with any questions, get in touch via:



Yes absolutely. It’s always the best value (better than bulking up single orders in your cart).



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