What’s up guys! My name is LAR and today we’re going to look at making some Ben Böhmer sounds using u-he Diva. In the last article I did it with Serum. We’ll compare the two to see which of the synths works better in this style. Let’s get started!
We’ll make 4 elements: Bass, Chords, Pluck and Swells.
Here’s how it sounds:
1. Bass
Let’s get started with the bass.
If we use the initial Diva patch, it sounds quite nice already.
What we could do is engage another oscillator, which adds a bit of an upper tone:

2. Chords
Let’s just proceed to the chords:
What we’re looking for is a saw/square wave and a bit of noise, so let’s turn on these oscillators:
I’ll also adjust the attack to make the sound come in quite gradually.
With a bit of reverb the sound should be ready:
3. Pluck
As for the pluck, we’ll use a preset from our Organica pack called DoublePluck.
If we change the wave into a sawtooth and add a slight LFO, it should sound like this:

4. Swell
The last element is going to be a “Swell Pad”.
We’ll use the default sound with a slow attack and a slow decay, with a slow Triangle LFO assigned to the filter cutoff, as well as a bit of noise.
On top we’ll use a Shimmer Reverb from Ableton:

Let’s compare Diva with Serum now!
Serum Version:
Diva Version:
I hope this was helpful for you guys!
This double pluck here was from the Organica pack so you guys can grab that.
I highly highly recommend it, mainly for the drums. To be fair, the drums are really, really nice and these Diva patches are great as well - as you've heard.
Alright, that's it guys! I will catch you in the next tutorials.