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Wavetable Synth in Ableton 10 Explained - All Features + Examples

Ableton Live 10

The recently released Ableton Live 10 includes a brand new synthesizer called Wavetable. In synthesis terms, a wavetable is a collection of different waveforms, which you can scan through. The most famous wavetable synthesizer is probably Xfer Serum. In this article we’re going to go through Wavetable’s features and see how the two synths compare. Before we jump into the features it’s worth mentioning that this synth is meant more for live performance than complex sound design. It’s meant to integrate well with Ableton and deliver you interesting sounds without overloading the CPU. It doesn’t have all the crazy features other wavetable...

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Top 10 features needed in ABLETON LIVE 10 - plus 90 wishes and suggestions

Ableton Live 10 Ableton Live 10 Suite

Ableton is one of the most unique music studio software applications around. From its recording and production capabilities to its overall interface and design, Ableton is unique and has helpful recording features. It is unlike any other DAW, so it takes some time to get used to – especially the relationship between the arrangement window and the session window. Once you learn this software, you can use it for much more than just recording audio, which makes it desirable for not only studio, but also live settings. The latest version of Live 9.6.1 has been released with a numerous improvements...

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