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How does a Compressor work?

Ableton Ableton Live 9 Audio Engineering Beginners Compressor Engineering EQing Mixing Tips 'n Tricks

We had a lot of questions on how the compressor actually works, so we decided to make a small series of videos covering the functionalities from the perspective of the Ableton Live built-in compressor.     Learn more about compression in the mixing stage: NEW PML 5h+ Course: Mixing A Track From Scratch in Ableton (with stock effects)     Keywords: mixing, compressor, how to use a compressor, how does a compressor work

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What is Dithering? Quick definition for Music Producers

Ableton Live 9 Audio Engineering Engineering Mastering Mixing Tips 'n Tricks

Definition of Dithering Dithering or to dither means adding noise to the audio signal. Noise is being added on purpose to trade a little bit of low-level hiss for a great deal of distortion. The distortion is first caused by using a fixed number of bits (e.g. 16 bits) to represent our sample points as accurate as possible (in the analogue world, there are infinite or continuous sample points available, whereas they are finite (discrete) in the digital world).  So, in our DAW for example, "dithering is done by adding noise of a level less than the least-significant bit before...

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